Sunday, September 10, 2006
Rheumatoid Arthritis
This is a crippling arthropathy characterised by pain, swelling, stiffness leading to deformity. Herbal treatment both external and internal provided by Dr.Thas offers freedom from these conditions without any side effect. The treatment given normalises abnormal renal and liver functions obsvered in some of the patients with this condition.
Psoriasis is a chronic, recurrent, inflammatory skin disease of unknown origin. It is characterised by well-circumscribed erythematous, dry elevated leisions of various sizes, covered with mica like scales. The disease can manifest in a variety of clinical forms.
Plaque type, guttate (drop like) type, and pustular type are the common forms. Apart from skin psoriasis can also involve joints and nails. This may result in psoriatic arthritis resembling rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic nails, leading to deformity of the joints and nails.
Siddha Medicine calls different varities of psoriasis by various names. Piththa Vedippu, Namattu chori, chenthil uthir noi , yannai chori , kalanja padai , varal thirambi etc. are some of the names.
According to the variety of psoriatic condition treatment differs. There is no known universal remedy for psoriasis. The treatment is further individualised according to the body constitution and condition of the patient.
The herbal oil developed by Dr.Thas for external application gives remarkable results. The recurrance rate is very minimal. Even if it occurs, the interval is very long.
Plaque type, guttate (drop like) type, and pustular type are the common forms. Apart from skin psoriasis can also involve joints and nails. This may result in psoriatic arthritis resembling rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic nails, leading to deformity of the joints and nails.
Siddha Medicine calls different varities of psoriasis by various names. Piththa Vedippu, Namattu chori, chenthil uthir noi , yannai chori , kalanja padai , varal thirambi etc. are some of the names.
According to the variety of psoriatic condition treatment differs. There is no known universal remedy for psoriasis. The treatment is further individualised according to the body constitution and condition of the patient.
The herbal oil developed by Dr.Thas for external application gives remarkable results. The recurrance rate is very minimal. Even if it occurs, the interval is very long.
Even now this is a rare skin disease of high morbidity and mortality. Glucocorticoids and immunosuppresive drugs like azathioprine, methotrexate and cyclophosphomide are the main stay to keep the disease under control. Victims of this disease suffer either from the complications of the disease or drugs used to treat.
By holistic approach , combining native treatment with allopathy , Dr.Thas is able to withdraw immunosuppresive drugs and overcome the complications like infection , abnormal liver and renal functions, loss of appetite, vomiting etc. His treatment has avoided frequent hospitalisation. The patients feel hale and healthy with minimum drugs.
By holistic approach , combining native treatment with allopathy , Dr.Thas is able to withdraw immunosuppresive drugs and overcome the complications like infection , abnormal liver and renal functions, loss of appetite, vomiting etc. His treatment has avoided frequent hospitalisation. The patients feel hale and healthy with minimum drugs.
A few couples with unexplained infertility and some with known pathology are now having children due to very effective Siddha treatment.
Menstrual irregularities are corrected with simple herbal treatment.Oligospermia and impotence are corrected with herbal tonics.
Menstrual irregularities are corrected with simple herbal treatment.Oligospermia and impotence are corrected with herbal tonics.
Diabetes Mellitus
In Type II Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus, herbal decoctions are used to provide effective control of blood-sugar.
Chronic Renal Failure
In Chronic Renal Failure, the herbal preparation used by Dr.Thas remarkably lowers the serum urea and creatinine. Even in people with contracted kidneys,with minimal renal function, the treatment works. Fatigue, hopelessness disappear and they lead almost normal life.
Dr. J. Joseph Thas, B.Sc., M.B.B.S., M.Sc., (Pharmacology) Ph.D., D.Sc.,
Head of Pharmacology Department,
Post Graduate Studies and Research Centre
Government Siddha Medical College
Tirunelveli - 627 002.
Dr. J. Joseph Thas, B.Sc., M.B.B.S., M.Sc., (Pharmacology) Ph.D., D.Sc.
Muthu Damian Hospital,
78, Trivandrum Road,
Tirunelveli - 627 002
Tamilnadu, India
Phone no :
mobile +91 94434 56518
+91 462 - 2573725
+91 462 - 2580982
Dr. J. Joseph Thas, B.Sc., M.B.B.S., M.Sc., (Pharmacology) Ph.D., D.Sc.
20,A Pudupet Middle Street,
Tamilnadu, India
Dr. J. Joseph Thas, B.Sc., M.B.B.S., M.Sc., (Pharmacology) Ph.D., D.Sc.,
Head of Pharmacology Department,
Post Graduate Studies and Research Centre
Government Siddha Medical College
Tirunelveli - 627 002.
Dr. J. Joseph Thas, B.Sc., M.B.B.S., M.Sc., (Pharmacology) Ph.D., D.Sc.
Muthu Damian Hospital,
78, Trivandrum Road,
Tirunelveli - 627 002
Tamilnadu, India
Phone no :
mobile +91 94434 56518
+91 462 - 2573725
+91 462 - 2580982
Dr. J. Joseph Thas, B.Sc., M.B.B.S., M.Sc., (Pharmacology) Ph.D., D.Sc.
20,A Pudupet Middle Street,
Tamilnadu, India
Dr J.Joseph Thas is delivering a lecture on Siddha Medicine and Skin Diseases in the forenoon of 23rd July2005 at the AYUSH 2005 Exposition in the MADITSSA Auditorium at Madurai.
Diabetic Ulcer And Siddha Medicine
Dr.J.Joseph Thas,BSc,MBBS,MSc,PhD,DSc *
Friends of Siddha Medicine
78,Trivandrum Road
Tamil Nadu
Ph:0462 2580982
*A specialist in Allopathy and Siddha Medicine
*Photographs by the author
India today leads the world with its largest number of diabetic subjects in any given country .It is said that presently 33 million Indians are diabetics and these numbers are likely to increase to 57.2 million by the year 2025.This will be one sixth of the world total diabetics.India is already the diabetes capital of the world.
Among the several chronic complications of uncontrolled diabetes foot ulcer is one. Diabetes is the leading cause of non traumatic lower extremity amputation in developed countries .It is mentioned by specialists that 20 out of 100 diabetic Indians undergo lower limb amputation. The cost of each amputation could be between Rs 50000 to Rs 1 lakh.
Indian diabetologists believe that the fundamental principle in foot salvaging is early conservative amputation and radiacal debridement of diabetic foot ulcer .So it is believed that a patient with diabetic ulcer will have to undergo amputation at some time or other.
A variety of external and internal drug preparations are mentioned in ancient Siddha literature to treat chronic ulcers including diabetic ulcers. So far there is no research report regarding their use in actual practice. From the authors experience it is firmly believed that Siddha Medicine can be utilized to treat chronic diabetic ulcers with great success.
The author, a specialist in modern medicine and Siddha is using a few of these ancient Siddha procedures in treating chronic diabetic ulcer. The author uses a few Kara cheelai [medicated gauze] ointments and thailam [oil] preparations for dressing these chronic ulcers. The patients who come to the author are already under insulin and antibiotics as prescribed by their respective diabetologists or physicians. Invariably the author used to supplement the allopathic measures with a few oral Siddha preparations such as Kungilia parpam. The ingredient of this formulation is the gum of Shorea robusta processed in tender coconut water. This Siddha drug is attributed with the property of healing internal wounds. The author also uses a few Kudineer [herbal decoctions] to improve blood circulation and hasten the healing process.
Some typical case studies by the author will reveal how certain surgical procedures mentioned in Siddha are still useful and relevant in curing chronic diabetic ulcer.
Chronic Diabetic Ulcer

Manjal kara cheelai [yellow corrosive gauze] was used by the author to treat a patient with chronic diabetic ulcer. Before undergoing Siddha treatment from the author the patient was under allopathic treatment for about three months with out any relief After yellow corrosive gauze was used the ulcer began to heal. The patient had complete relief 2½ months after treatment.
Perforating Diabetic Ulcer

A 65 years old man affected with leprosy as well as diabetes for several years had developed a deep perforating ulcer in one of his soles. With full allopathic treatment including insulin and higher antibiotics the ulcer did not heal for many months. He came to the author. The ulcer was dressed with Pachai Ennai an external oil preparation in Siddha and manjal kara cheelai. With in a week the ulcer became clean and under aseptic condition it was closed with silk sutures. The same oil was used for further dressing. Astonishingly the ulcer healed with in two months. Other than Siddha dressing and some herbal drugs mentioned previously the patient continued his insulin and antibiotics as was advised by his physician under allopathic treatment as he had been before.

The ulcer was dressed with Pachai Ennai and manjal kara cheelai..
The ulcer became clean and was closed with silk sutures

Maggot Infested Diabetic Ulcer
Several drugs are mentioned in Siddha literature to treat puzhu pun meaning worm infested ulcer. Modern surgery texts do not explain such ulcers any more as they have become rare rare in developed countries.

Maggot infested diabetic ulcer
A 75 years old diabetic man came to the author with complaints of boring pain in his right big toe and sleepless nights for about a week. The patient was not aware that he had several worms eating his flesh.On examination the author

Furrows in maggot induced diabetic ulcer
found and removed 30 maggots from his big toe. The maggots had made several furrows in his toe. Pachai ennnai and Pachai kara cheelai [green corrosive gauze] were extensively used in this patient and his limb was saved.

Healed maggot infested diabetic ulcer
With proper research and development Siddha can be utilised to save several diabetic limbs. The treatment with Siddha is harmless,economical,effective and achieves results which otherwise is not possible with modern medicine alone.
Friends of Siddha Medicine
Friends of Siddha Medicine (FSM) is doing the yeoman service of dissipating the knowledge of Siddha Medicine for the benefit of the whole human race . For this purpose it is conducting National and International conferences on Siddha Medicine . In February 24 and 25 ,2001 FSM organised a National conference at Tirunelveli on Siddha Medicine For All Ages . In this conference 325 delegates from allover India participated and 135 Research papers were presented . Currently FSM is organising an International Conference on Siddha Medicine to be held in the year 2002 . FSM is creating awareness among the public about the effectiveness of Siddha herbal drugs . It encourages people to raise their own kitchen herbal gardens . It has highlighted the effectiveness of herbal drugs in the prevention and treatment of Leptospirosis . FSM has got its own model herbal garden . It lends its experitsefor the formulations and manufacture of herbal drugs . It conducts regular Siddha medical camps and does many more such social work.
Awards and Achievements
National Awards :
His research in Siddha and Ayudveda fetched four National Awards.They are Shri Hari Om Ashram Trust Gold Medals awarded by Gujarath Ayurved University, Jam Nagar.
I Prize:
Shri Hari Om Ashram Gold Medal was conferred by Gujarat Ayurved University, Jam Nagar in the year . This was awarded to Dr. Thas for the research monograph entitled "Introduction to the scientific basis of Anupana in Indian Medicaine".
This paper brought out with experimental evidences the scientific basis of milk, honey, ghee, fresh juice, herbal powders, decoctions like adjuncts / vehicles used in Indian Medicine practice for the administration of drugs.
This study proved that use of proper anupana enhanced the thereupeutic efficacy and minimised the toxicities of the drugs used. This work was also the basis for his Ph.D., degree awarded by Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai.
II Prize in 1979:
Shri Hari Om Ashram Trust Gold Medal was conferred by Gujarat Ayurved University Jam Nagar in the year 1979. This was awarded for the research work entitled. "The Scientific basis of Pathyam and Apathyam in Indian Medicine.
This study brought out the significance of dietetics in the treatment of diseases. The study emphasized why certain diet articles like salt, tamarind, etc. should be avoided and why some diet articles with curative properties must be included in the diet of the sick. This study with experimental evidences showed that Indian diet and diet therapy must be scruplously adhered to for the speedy recovery.
III Prize in 1980:
Shri Hari Om Ashram Trust Gold Medal was conferred by Gujarat Ayurved University Jam Nagar in the year 1980. This was awarded for the research monograph entitled ."Drug Interactions the scientific basis of Anupana and Pathyam in Indian Medicine."
This work brought out the advantages of adhering to the basic principles of Anupana and Pathyam. It showed these principles when strictly followed minimised adverse drug interactions and augmented the therapeutic efficacy of the drugs prescribed.
IV Prize in 1980:
In the year 1980 another Shri Hari Om Asram Trust Gold Medal was awarded by Gujarat Ayurved University Jam Nagar for the work on "Ashwagandha a remedy of arthritis". This was a combined work with scientists from Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai.
Membership in National Committees :
1. President, Friends of Siddha Medicine, the topmost organisation in India to protect and promote Siddha Medicine
2. Member, Siddha Pharmacopoeia Committee, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Govt. of India, New Delhi.
3. Siddha Expert Member ,General Body National Institute of Siddha Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India, Chennai.
4. Member Scientific Advisory Committee, Central Council for Research in Ayurvedha and Siddha, Ministry of Health and family welfare Govt. of India, New Delhi.
His research in Siddha and Ayudveda fetched four National Awards.They are Shri Hari Om Ashram Trust Gold Medals awarded by Gujarath Ayurved University, Jam Nagar.
I Prize:
Shri Hari Om Ashram Gold Medal was conferred by Gujarat Ayurved University, Jam Nagar in the year . This was awarded to Dr. Thas for the research monograph entitled "Introduction to the scientific basis of Anupana in Indian Medicaine".
This paper brought out with experimental evidences the scientific basis of milk, honey, ghee, fresh juice, herbal powders, decoctions like adjuncts / vehicles used in Indian Medicine practice for the administration of drugs.
This study proved that use of proper anupana enhanced the thereupeutic efficacy and minimised the toxicities of the drugs used. This work was also the basis for his Ph.D., degree awarded by Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai.
II Prize in 1979:
Shri Hari Om Ashram Trust Gold Medal was conferred by Gujarat Ayurved University Jam Nagar in the year 1979. This was awarded for the research work entitled. "The Scientific basis of Pathyam and Apathyam in Indian Medicine.
This study brought out the significance of dietetics in the treatment of diseases. The study emphasized why certain diet articles like salt, tamarind, etc. should be avoided and why some diet articles with curative properties must be included in the diet of the sick. This study with experimental evidences showed that Indian diet and diet therapy must be scruplously adhered to for the speedy recovery.
III Prize in 1980:
Shri Hari Om Ashram Trust Gold Medal was conferred by Gujarat Ayurved University Jam Nagar in the year 1980. This was awarded for the research monograph entitled ."Drug Interactions the scientific basis of Anupana and Pathyam in Indian Medicine."
This work brought out the advantages of adhering to the basic principles of Anupana and Pathyam. It showed these principles when strictly followed minimised adverse drug interactions and augmented the therapeutic efficacy of the drugs prescribed.
IV Prize in 1980:
In the year 1980 another Shri Hari Om Asram Trust Gold Medal was awarded by Gujarat Ayurved University Jam Nagar for the work on "Ashwagandha a remedy of arthritis". This was a combined work with scientists from Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai.
Membership in National Committees :
1. President, Friends of Siddha Medicine, the topmost organisation in India to protect and promote Siddha Medicine
2. Member, Siddha Pharmacopoeia Committee, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Govt. of India, New Delhi.
3. Siddha Expert Member ,General Body National Institute of Siddha Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India, Chennai.
4. Member Scientific Advisory Committee, Central Council for Research in Ayurvedha and Siddha, Ministry of Health and family welfare Govt. of India, New Delhi.
About Dr.Joseph Thas
Dr.Thas has been Head of the Department of Pharmacology, Post-Graduate Studies and Research Centre, Govt. Siddha Medical College, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu, India for the past 27 years. He has published several research papers and participated in many National and International conferences in Medicine and Indian Medicine. He is the winner of four National Awards for research in Indian Medicine. They are 'Hari Om Ashram Trust Gold Medals' awarded by Gujarat Ayurved University, Jam Nagar for the years 1978, 1979 and 1980(twice).He is a registered practitioner of Modern Medicine. He is also Siddha medicine practitioner enlisted by Government of Tamilnadu.
As a person associated with teaching and research in a Post-Graduate Studies and Research Centre of a Government Siddha Medical College as well as from his traditional back-ground of hereditary practitioner he is able to treat a few conditions hither to thought to be beyond remedy. Combination of his Allopathic degree and traditional background helps in proper diagnosis and application of native treatment.
As a person associated with teaching and research in a Post-Graduate Studies and Research Centre of a Government Siddha Medical College as well as from his traditional back-ground of hereditary practitioner he is able to treat a few conditions hither to thought to be beyond remedy. Combination of his Allopathic degree and traditional background helps in proper diagnosis and application of native treatment.
Siddha Medicine
Siddha System of Medicine along with Ayurveda constitutes what is known as Indian Medicine. Siddha System is a Dravidian version of Indian Medicine developed by ancient Tamil sages known as Siddhars. Fundamental principles and treatment modalities of Siddha are more or less similar to Ayurveda. The system is prevalent in South India.
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